New links to download Souls of Warriors single!

We posted about 8 months ago (or something like that) our new single Souls of Warriors. Unfortunately we decided to upload it to Rapidshare, which deleted the file in copyrirght infringement fields… that’s absolutly STUPID cause we shared the files by ourselves and we have no label so we are infringing no fucking stupid rights of no dumbass. WE OWN the record. WE SHARE it on our will. So, to avoid that another stupid filehosting service decide we violate ourselves (something like a suicide??) without asking us first, or at least checking (come on, we’re not Metallica, nor any big band with bucks to persecute people for hearing music), we’re uploading our single to a bunch of sites for your democratic joy.
Here you’ve got:

2010 Souls of Warriors (Single) - Hotfile 
2010 Souls of Warriors (Single) - Uploadbox 
2010 Souls of Warriors (Single) - Uploading 
2010 Souls of Warriors (Single) – Megaupload 
2010 Souls of Warriors (Single) - Fileserve 
2010 Souls of Warriors (Single) - Filesonic 

Enjoy it!


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